v3n0m – Popular Pentesting Scanner


v3n0m is a free and open source scanner. Evolved from baltazar’s scanner, it has adapted several new features that improve functionality and usability. It is mostly experimental software. This program is for finding and executing various vulnerabilities. It scavenges the web using dorks and organizes the URLs it finds. Very useful for executing: Cloudflare Resolver[Cloudbuster] Metasploit … Read more

Sn1per v2.6 – Automated Pentest Recon Scanner


Sn1per is an automated scanner that can be used during a penetration test to enumerate and scan for vulnerabilities. FEATURES: Automatically collects basic recon (ie. whois, ping, DNS, etc.) Automatically launches Google hacking queries against a target domain Automatically enumerates open ports via NMap port scanning Automatically brute forces sub-domains, gathers DNS info and checks … Read more