dorkbot – Scan Google Search Results for Vulnerabilities


dorkbot is a modular command-line tool for performing vulnerability scans against a set of webpages returned by Google search queries in a given Google Custom Search Engine. It is broken up into two sets of modules:

  • Indexers – modules that issue a search query and return the results as targets
  • Scanners – modules that perform a vulnerability scan against each target

Targets are stored in a local database upon being indexed. Once scanned, any vulnerabilities found by the chosen scanner are written to a standard JSON report file. Indexing and scanning processes can be run separately or combined in a single command.


usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-b BLACKLIST] [-d DATABASE] [-i INDEXER]
                  [-l] [-o INDEXER_OPTIONS] [-p SCANNER_OPTIONS] [-s SCANNER]
                  [-v VULNDIR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file
  -b BLACKLIST, --blacklist BLACKLIST
                        File containing (regex) patterns to blacklist from
  -d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
                        SQLite3 database file
  -i INDEXER, --indexer INDEXER
                        Indexer module to use
  -l, --list            List targets in database
                        Indexer-specific options (opt1=val1,opt2=val2,..)
                        Scanner-specific options (opt1=val1,opt2=val2,..)
  -s SCANNER, --scanner SCANNER
                        Scanner module to use
  -v VULNDIR, --vulndir VULNDIR
                        Directory to store vulnerability output reports



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