D0xk1t – Web-based OSINT and Active Reconnaissance Suite

Active reconnaissance, information gathering and OSINT built in a portable web application. D0xk1t is an open-sourceself-hosted and easy to use OSINT and active reconnaissance web application for penetration testers. Based off of the prior command-line script, D0xk1t is now fully capable of conducting reconnaissance and penetration testing for security researchers who need a framework without the head-scratching. There is no server stack, cloud-based service, SaaS, etc. that is holding it up. You can have the option of deploying D0xk1t on a local network, or deploying your own instance on any infrastructure / technology as you wish.


  • Easy-to-build, risk-free installation
  • Simple Bootstrap Admin Dashboard
  • Deployable to the Internet
  • Serverless (at the moment)
  • Expansive to any OS


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